Case Studies
Exploring the intersection of research, design, business, and culture: A collection of some of our works.

Rolling research
5 tactics to increase the velocity of user engagement. Why rolling research is used? A large team of designers who need quick iterative feedback from end users in one or multiple countries. Organization has an elaborate process to onboard a new vendor and/or for issuing purchase orders for existing vendors. Often get turned down by preferred vendor(s) due to short notice and unavailability of bandwidth at their end. Domain is complex and the need to explain it to a new team every time.

The journey of home renovation
“Gaining deep customer insights through unveiling the Home Renovation Journey.” How do people plan their home renovation? What are their challenges? What are their apprehensions? We asked sample customers to record their actions in a diary over a period of 4 to 6 months. Experience Sampling Method was used in conjunction with shadowing (discussions with contractors, retailer visits etc.) and in-home contextual interviews were used to collect detailed customer behaviour data. The unique insights helped our client in planning their UX roadmap.

Mapping the farming ecosystem in India
Unearthing unique opportunities in India’s agricultural heartlands through immersive ethnographic research. Opportunities of a different kind galore in the agri intensive hinterlands of India. Through extensive field trips to remote, rural farming communities; Ethnographic interviews with farmers; Day long shadowing of the farmers and farm activities ; Contextual interviews with retailers of farm supplies to visits to mandi’s to interviews with traders & merchants, we unearthed something unique and invisible.

Testing seamless game play
Uncovering the “whys” behind successful gameplay and user growth. How do you sustain uncompromised and seamless game play and rewards realization experience for mobile based gamers? Data analytics signals the problem areas but doesn’t provide answers to the why. Our client were keen to ensure that design decisions made during the rapid prototyping phase did not lead to compromises in the gaming experience. By employing qualitative methods we uncovered the whys that lead to multi million user base and sizeable funding.

Capturing the Moment
Realigning target audience and communication strategies through real-world usage insights. People want to be nice when you ask them if they like a feature and want it in their product. It is only when they use it for real you find out which features they really needed. A timely understanding of actual usage experience helped our client in relooking at the target segment and steer the efforts towards targeted communication strategy.