Case Studies
Testing seamless game play
Uncovering the “whys” behind successful gameplay and user growth

How do you sustain uncompromised and seamless game play and rewards realization experience for mobile based gamers? Data analytics signals the problem areas but doesn’t provide answers to the why. Our client were keen to ensure that design decisions made during the rapid prototyping phase did not lead to compromises in the gaming experience. By employing qualitative methods we uncovered the whys that lead to multi million user base and sizeable funding.
Right UX Partner
Peepaldesign’s expertise in bringing together mixed research methods into play for providing comprehensive view of player behaviour and pain points. Our ability to provide specific and actionable inputs for improving the experience for gamers.
The Methodology
- Multi location research to capture diversity of gaming communities
- Usability Testing of Onboarding & Registration processes
- One week of unfettered game play in their natural environment & analysis of Usage logs
- Lab based Contextual Interviews to understand the why
The Impact
- Successful launch and scaling of the platform from zero to 25 million user base.
- Lead to Series A fund raise of USD35 million.